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Gender Pay Gap Report

Amalgamated Construction Ltd (hereafter referred to as AmcoGiffen) provides a diverse range of specialist construction and multi-discipline engineering services. We create and maintain infrastructure assets for both public and private sector customers in the specialist sectors of rail and engineering throughout the UK.

AmcoGiffen works collaboratively with its customers and has evolved through a combination of structured acquisition and organic growth into a 'contractor of choice'. Our business relationships are based on trust, mutual respect, best value, whole-life costs, and continuous improvement.

AmcoGiffen’s experience includes working on live assets such as rail, power generation, electricity distribution, clean water, flood defence, and waterways.

This is AmcoGiffen’s eighth report and is for the snapshot date of 5 April 2024. On the snapshot date, AmcoGiffen employed 1492 relevant colleagues.

Gender Balance

The proportion of female colleagues within AmcoGiffen is unchanged at 13.3%.

The figures set out below have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Although the Mean AmcoGiffen Gender Pay Gap has marginally worsened it is pleasing to note that the Median AmcoGiffen Gender Pay Gap has improved significantly during the period. This is primarily due to an increase in female colleagues within the middle pay quartiles.


Pay Quartiles by Gender

AmcoGiffen is committed to the principles of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all colleagues, regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability.

AmcoGiffen has a clear policy of paying colleagues equally for the same or equivalent work, regardless of their sex, or any other characteristic set out above. 

The percentage of female colleagues within the lowest pay quartile reduced this year with an overall increase in the two highest pay quartiles.

How does AmcoGiffen's gender pay gap compare with that of other organisations?

The AmcoGiffen mean gender pay gap is 22.2% whilst for all jobs (according to the Provisional 2024 ONS figures) it is 13.8% and in the construction sector it is 11.7%.

The AmcoGiffen median gender pay gap is 26.8% whilst for all jobs (according to the Provisional 2024 ONS figures) it is 13.1% and in the construction sector it is 15.5%.

Comparisons with other organisations

A number of organisations similar to AmcoGiffen have submitted Gender Pay Gap reports typically identifying a mean gender pay gap between 7.4% and 35.8% and a median gender pay gap between 9.3% and 41.1%.

What is AmcoGiffen doing to address its gender pay gap?

AmcoGiffen has had better success in attracting female applicants for roles in its support services. However, the proportion of females applying for operational, technical, and senior management roles remains relatively low.

We believe that the reason for this is that in general, construction and civil engineering do not attract a sufficient number of females into the industry in order to fill the vacancies on offer.

AmcoGiffen is fully committed to promoting gender diversity in all areas of its workforce by various means including the following:

  • Maintained our engagement calendar to inform all our colleagues about our ongoing Diversity & Inclusion initiatives and campaigns - including ‘International Women’s Day’ and ‘International Women in Engineering Day’
  • Encouraging females to apply for all vacant positions
  • Challenging recruitment agencies to actively seek suitable female applicants for all AmcoGiffen vacancies they deal with
  • Promoting AmcoGiffen and the civil engineering and construction industry in general, as an attractive career prospect regardless of gender, at various educational establishments and job fairs
  • Promoting our graduate and apprenticeship programmes to a diverse audience of candidates
  • Hosting our own careers fayre at local colleges through our Women at AmcoGiffen forum to encourage more females to join the industry
  • Utilising our Diversity and Inclusion and Women at AmcoGiffen forums (with representatives throughout the organisation) to promote and improve equality across the organisation
  • Encouraging females to apply for AmcoGiffen’s apprenticeship schemes
  • Working with the Railway Industry Association (RIA), Women in Rail (WIR) EDI Charter and the Rail Unites for Inclusion group, our Diversity and Inclusion Champion is working collaboratively with other similar organisations to champion diversity and inclusion and share best practice, working together to build an equal and fair high performing sector
  • Continuing with our Women at AmcoGiffen forum who meet on a regular basis and whose purpose is to create a culture of opportunity, growth and change
  • Utilising our performance, development, and talent management programmes
  • Utilising and expanding our enhanced family-friendly policies
  • Continuing to be a ‘Living Wage’ employer
  • Continuing with the process of achieving Investor in Diversity recognition
  • Undertook a detailed Employee Engagement Survey (incorporating Diversity) during the second half of 2024
  • Conducting D&I focus groups to establish how we can improve equality

None of these initiatives will, of itself, remove the gender pay gap - and it may be several years before some have any impact at all.

In the coming year, AmcoGiffen is also committed to:

  • Progressing the process of achieving Investors in Diversity accreditation
  • Launching our dignity & respect workplan to include Let’s Learn About Gender Identity & Gender Discrimination topics to encourage equality
  • Refreshing and updating our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
  • Delivering updated mandatory Diversity and Inclusion training to all colleagues
  • Continuing to review our recruitment processes, including how we advertise roles, to reduce unintended gender bias in our adverts or job descriptions
  • Reviewing and improving our flexible working policies
  • Working with STEM Learning to increase our STEM ambassador population and developing partnering schemes with various educational establishments to raise the awareness of pupils, parents and teachers, of the different career opportunities available within construction and to help dispel any misconceptions and stereotypes
  • Improving our graduate programme which will continue to target diverse candidates.

Any further initiatives launched throughout the year will be reported on the company intranet.

I, John Booth, Managing Director, confirm that the information in this statement is accurate.

 Date: 12th February 2025


AmcoGiffen Gender Pay Gap Report 2023-2024 (PDF, 94.8 KB)

This report is produced annually to help us understand the size and causes of pay gaps. We use it to capture improvements and actions put in place to address gender imbalance.

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