Canal Festival in Edinburgh!

It’s been an exciting weekend for AmcoGiffen’s Scotland team out at Leamington Swing Bridge Refurbishment site in Edinburgh City Centre.
Supporting Scottish Canals, The City of Edinburgh Council, Sustrans and Moda, we ensured our presence was very discrete on site, enabling the annual Canal Festival and Raft Race to go ahead at Lochrin Basin as planned.
The Edinburgh Canal Festival is a not-for-profit event coordinated by Re-Union Canal Boats, who work with a wide range of community groups and local businesses. Created to bring local companies, organisations and individuals together, the event is run by volunteers, businesses and stakeholders.
Delighted to get involved, we provided some festival bunting, undertook remedial works to the towpath, and happily donated some money to assist with the proceedings!
Carefully blast cleaning this iconic structure, we’re currently undertaking essential structural repairs to enable the bridge to continue to operate, while providing a point of important historical interest into the future. Well done to everyone involved in this collaborative project.