VAMOS Level Crossing Enhancement Works
Project Overview
As a one off contract, AmcoGiffen were selected by Network Rail S&T to deliver all civils and electrical works to facilitate the installation of the new VaMos signalling system at various level crossings located on the Wickford to Southminster WIS line.
As part of a larger programme, the ultimate project aim was to improve the safety of these crossings for its users.
AmcoGiffen’s Scope of Works
Providing construction, test, commission, scheme hand back and project close out – alongside minor design involvement at pre-construction stage – our overall scope of works included:
- Construction of reinforced concrete foundations to enable the installation of VaMos and Miniature Stop Light (MSL) equipment
- Installation of ducts
- Installation of new Rose Hill rubber deck crossing panels
- Installation of new anti-trespass panels
- Regrade approach access roads to level crossings
- Removal and relocation of vehicle field gates
- Realignment and installation of new boundary fencing
- Removal of existing signage and posts
- Installation of new signage/posts
- Installation of new self-closing wicket gates
- Removal and relocation of level crossing phones
- Installation of VaMos system and associated equipment
- Installation of new Kee Klamp fencing around MSL bases

Innovation Applied
Applying a number of innovative strategies, mesh lined infill panels were installed to the Kee Klamp fencing to prevent animal livestock gaining access on to the tracks.
In addition to this, a sliding bolt closure system was installed to all vehicle field gates as opposed to latches. This was undertaken to prevent cattle gaining access onto the crossing – historically they have lifted the latches with their noses.
Due to very poor ground conditions we installed heavy duty ground track mats to enable safe access around site for staff and vehicles, which assisted in the protection of the landowner’s assets.
Benefits Provided
With an additional site awarded this time on the LTN1 line at Black Mill level crossing, all planned and supplementary works were completed on time in line with the agreed programme.
Benefits of the project include:
- Improved safe access over the crossing
- Improved ‘unmade’ access roads to the crossings
- Enhanced relationship between Network Rail and the local landowners/users through AmcoGiffen’s integration
Further benefits provided by AmcoGiffen:
- A robust and comprehensive understanding of the technical scope
- A strong commitment to around the clock health and safety
- The ability to promptly adjust to project modifications
- A client-first commitment and excellence driven philosophy
Project Contact
For further info please contact Danny Cristofoli,
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